My name is Belinda and I have too many feelings, so I've decided to put some of them on the internet. I've recently graduated from college with an empirically useless degree in the love of my life (creative writing) and my daily anxiety attacks have included such fun questions as:
1. What if only retail places ever hire me?
2. What if no one ever hires me?
3. What if I have to get a Masters?
4. What if no programs will accept me?
5. What if I live with my parents forever?
6. What if I get a job, but am so terrible at it they fire me on the first day and clog my every online representation with hate and disapproval?
7. What if everyone's all secretly speaking a different language, but my hearing is so bad, I hear it as English?
8. What if the N.S.A. is watching me type this naked through my webcam?
9. What if my cell phone isn't actually ringing and I've just gone partially schizophrenic?
10. What if I don't even own a cell phone?
11. What if the cake isn't a lie?
12. But what if it is???
I'm not totally sure what I'll do with this blog. Based on past experience, sometimes there will be poetry. Sometimes there will be essays. Sometimes there will be silly pictures of wolves in hats and foxes in bow ties because I'm flip-flopping sick of internet cats and mine is way cuter than any of them anyway.
There's also a good chance the blog will just rot in the innermost zeroes and ones of the internet until the world ends.
But probably not.
Ciao for now
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