Saturday, September 17, 2016

Too Tired for Titles

Hello everyone

My self-love day went well. I stayed home, did yoga, watched anime, and ate guacamole.  The day following was less than fantastic. Made bad decisions. Went to worse places. All the usual stumblings.

This is going to be the last "daily" blog post I write for a while. I'm going to be writing fiction and nonfiction and trying to get published and chase childhood dreams and believe I can fly and all that jazz. Given the rate of success for publication, however, I'm sure I'll return to this blog to rant every week.

Before I go, though, I wanted to explain my pen name since most of you can now see my last name isn't actually Rosetti. Rosetti is a misspelling of Rossetti for Christina Rossetti. She was a Pre-Raphelite English poet who wrote Goblin Market. I read the poem in an English Lit class and was immediately struck by the complexity in the contradiction between the sensual tone and the intended meaning. On the surface level, it's a purity poem, a narrative denouncing sexuality outside of wedlock, but when when one considers the luscious descriptions of the fruit (symbolic of sex), the behavior of the goblin men,  Lizzie's graphic assault, and Laura's resurrection, the poem takes on a much more complex, gendered undertone.

In the shortest of shorts, the poem's full intended message as I interpret it:
Sex (the fruit) is not evil--it's beautiful. When offered by toxic people (goblin men), however, it may as well be heroin: deceptive, addicting, and poisonous. Do not go looking for it with just anyone. Do not confuse or mistake it for love.

As a young, recovering Catholic, this united the puritanical view of sex I had been raised with and the love of pleasure I had as a human sexual being. To some degree, I still feel like the paradox of that poem, but I suppose everyone is some mix of sacred and profane. In any case, that's the reason I adopted her name.  

I'll try to update this once a week instead of once every couple days. I'm aiming for Mondays, but knowing me it'll turn out to be more like Wednesdays and Thursdays. I don't know. Just keep checking. It makes me feel special.

Happy living!
Tonight's full moon as captured by my camera phone. 


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